Sunday, June 5, 2011


Transfer Theory / Superintendent Interview

            The transfer theory is the act of transitioning from or transferring learning skills from one mindset to another (principal to superintendent).  It is the process of being able to take a problem and work through it by using the skills from past experiences or jobs and solving the problem systematically, proactively, and in a timely manner.  Transfer theory also would involve recognizing what methods of problem solving worked previously and which techniques did not work.  By recognizing good strategies versus bad strategies, this would enable one to make better decisions in that new leadership role.  This would also assist one in making more confident decisions, which maybe prior experiences made you more aware of what to do and not to do this time around. 
            Take for instance, a principal was trying to decide what to do with two teachers who disagreed on an activity used for team teaching.  The principal encouraged the two teachers to each create a list of advantages and disadvantages of this method, upon completing that list the two were told to work out the difference by utilizing each list and make a decision.  Once that was completed the two compared lists and a decision was not made, because each thought their list was better.  Therefore, as the principal I would apply the transfer theory and recognize that maybe the list of advantages and disadvantages was a good part of the plan.  However, next time I should mediate, or the department chair should mediate and provide a solution.  This would be a good example of transfer theory, because you have to take what you learned and apply the good ideas versus the bad ideas and make sure you did not repeat this mistake in decisions making on instances similar to this scenario.
            The transfer theory is a large part of leadership experience.  Being able to take what you learn from leadership role to the next level of leadership role is hands on experience that is priceless, for lack of a better term.  The more confident you are in decision making and applying knowledge from experiences the better off you are at making sound decisions with fewer mistakes each time you experiences bumps in the road, or needs for change.

Superintendent Interview-

            The interview with the CO leader went very well.  There are many points made in that interview that really shed some light on the way this leader foresees the mission and vision for this school district.  He mentioned many times in the interview that leaders should always make sure that they praise and recognize those who are not only directly involved with students, but also those that work in the trenches to make the school day smooth and safe.  Safety was something he also mentioned frequently.  Safety is a must every day, was his direct quote.  I could go on and on with my overall details and methods to his madness.  The interview was great experience, and I appreciate the fact that he was willing to share as well as he believes that everyone should know what is going on. 
            There were so many of the questions from the interview that I thought were important, so picking 5 was really challenging.  The first topic or questions I would like to elaborate on is, what qualities must a superintendent possess?  As honestly as he could answer the first trait he mentioned was honesty and integrity.  He commented that building trust with all stakeholders was a necessity.  He continued by saying that the superintendent must be knowledgeable about all aspects of the school environment. He concluded with these traits, a good listener, a good planner, and a timely person. 
  He defined leadership very simply by saying you must “walk the walk”, do what you say you are going to do and model the behavior you want displayed. 
In our district getting everyone back to a shared vision has and is still an ongoing task.  In the interview Mr. Pena shared that having a vision that is clear, concise and understood is essential.  He mentioned that developing a vision is not just putting the “right” buzz words on paper.  It must give a clear message to all stakeholders where the district is going and what they want to accomplish. 
Question 7 addressed communication among community, school personnel, parents and all others involved in the education process.  Mr. Pena stated that this was a very important issue for him.  He feels like communication will all is the best way to set the tone, expectations, as well as getting ideas and support from others.  With lack of communication, you do not get everyone involved properly and the district could have real issues getting support from the community in every aspect.  Everyone has to be valued, respected and heard.
Lastly, Mr. Pena talked about the relationship with the board addressed in question 8.  He shared that building relationships of trust, honesty and being real with them will make the relationship strong and successful.  He emphasized that the board has to be on the same page with you or the district will surely fail.  He stated over and over that honesty and being open were a must.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Continued Journey -Post interview

Upon completing my interview there are many things that stood out in my mind that will help prepare me for that leadership role.  In my conversation with the district leader, I learned that attitude and what you believe in are huge.  Honesty, integrity and having a strong will to do what is right for kids has to be your overall goal.  This most of us already know.  I also learned from the interview that you must develop trust and confidence from those that will be assisting you in the overall mission of the district you are managing.   The district leader shared that sometimes the hardest job is to get everyone on board with shared vision.  His comment was that you really have to spend time communicating and working with people and proving that the overall goals will benefit all stakeholders.   Another area I think that stood out for me was developing a good strong working relationship with the school board.  Being honest, but supportive of them is a must.  I know this seems like an easy task, but in my experience there are superintendents who never have that bond with school boards, and the end results for those districts is not good.  The interview was very helpful and enlightening. 

Friday, May 27, 2011

building a blog

Building a blog was super easy. Basically the blog is another version of email. I have learned that new is not hard, this was so easy to create and I think can be beneficial in communicating. Blogging can be a fast way to talk about ideas and concerns without having to sit down in one room and hash things out. It is definitely the new way of communication. This blog also give you the opportunity to display things about you and what you stand for. The opportunity to give details about your personality is an option. Blogging can be followed by Twitter and facebook users. This capability allows lots of people to get assess to things very quickly. I can see this being a good thing and a bad thing if its not used properly.
I think leaders can use this for virtual meetings, discussions with other leaders and still have the convenience of being on your campus or at your district location, or even on the road accessing your mobile device to post comments.
May 27, 2011 1:50 PM


Action Research I believe can be a great tool.  The overall purpose of this is to provide organization of information, who is involved, a specific target and timeline.  This is like a less evasive improvement plan.  Even though this is not the purpose of this to be a improvement plan.  It reminds me of a simpler version.  I think action research offers a good template for organization purposes.  This form gives and administrator or a leader the right information to create a plan for various improvements.  For example, if a department is looking for a way to increase district-wide standardized test scores, they could identify the area of need, the persons responsible, the time frame, and what the end results should look like.  This gives you a method of determining what goals are needed, which are met and which still need improvement. 

I see myself using this in many areas of school improvements.  I could use it with custodial staff, teachers, CO content area people.  In my mind it is a quick way to address area of quick needs. 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Created a blog

I am currently a second year principal at Alamo Junior High in Midland, Texas.  After several months of trying to  decide rather or not I wanted to return to school.  I decided to "Bite the Bullet", and jump in once again.  I am very excited to be working on my Superintendents Certificate.  If all goes well I will start my doctorate soon after completing these hours. 
I have a daughter who will start Junior High next year, so life is busy.... but good.